Tuesdays 10am - 12noon
Entry requirements:
Contact the Whanganui Learning Centre today. Come in and talk to our qualified staff today. 232 Wicksteed Street. We are open Mon - Thurs 9am-3pm or phone 06 348 4950.
This part-time programme is designed to assist you to improve your personal skills and to support your whanau to succeed at school, home or work and to be the best that they can be.
For parents, grandparents and carers of children.
A variety of activities and learning will be on offer at these venues.
Can include the following:
Working with your Community
Computer Basics
How to create or update your CV
Essential MSWord & Excel skills
Learner Licence
Building pathways to success
Whanganui Learning Centre
Our Programmes
Our Place
Whanganui Learning Centre | 232 Wicksteed Street | Whanganui, New Zealand 4500 | +64 6 348 4950 | wlearningc@gmail.com