The Whanganui Learning Centre logo was designed by Victoria Campbell.


Victoria (Vicki) has returned from the Middle East where she was the manager of the Visual Design School at Bahrain Polytechnic.


She started her graphic design journey as an adult learner in her home town of Whanganui, completing her training with a Masters in Computer Graphic Design from the University of Waikato and Whanganui School of Design, New Zealand.


Vicki gifted this logo to the Whanganui Learning Centre. She honours the opportunity granted to her in her formative years of design training. At this time she entered a Foundation Visual Arts course at the then Whanganui Polytechnic (now UCOL Whanganui). In this programme she gained the skills and confidence to staircase into higher learning. The former manager of the Whanganui Learning Centre, Gail Harrison, was the manager of this foundation programme at that time.

Whakatauki - Whanganui

Ko au te awa, Te Awa ko au.

I am the river and the river is me

Ko Tainui te waka, Ko Ruapehu te maunga, Ko Whanganui te Awa, Ko Ngati Haua te Iwi, Ko Ngatai te hapu, Ko Ngapuwaiwaha te marae, Ko Wikitoria toku ingoa.

E noho ana ahau i Whanganui.

No reira tena koutou, tena koutou, tena tatou katoa.

Image Attributions


OUR PROGRAMMES/Police, Corrections, Forces

NZ Fire Service HAZMAT / Command Units


The design is composed of elements that are universal to world cultures and are reflected in art, architecture and natural forms worldwide.


Logo is designed to speak to many in different ways, it speaks to those that are here today, and those that have already made the journey in the past.


Universally the logo conveys growth and connectedness, honours our place in Aotearoa, New Zealand, the Pacific and in an interconnected world. It too speaks of Our Place in Whanganui, Aotearoa.


To link to Victoria visit:


To find out more about Whanganui visit


Whanganui Learning Centre  |  232 Wicksteed Street  |  Whanganui, New Zealand 4500  |  +64 6 348 4950  |

The Whanganui Learning Centre where learning changes lives.

Copyright © Whanganui Learning Centre 2016. All rights reserved.