Our Programmes

Let the Whanganui Learning Centre assist you in reading and writing.

At the Whanganui Learning Centre we provide you with targeted teaching to up-skill in computing, communication, reading, writing and numeracy. Our programmes are flexible and our friendly staff will help you to set goals, sharpen your skills and plan for the future. Our aim is to support you to improve your confidence and skills to gain work, enter tertiary training or support your whanau/family in their learning.


Low Literacy in the workplace affects productivity, efficiency and safety

In the workplace, low literacy and numeracy affect productivity and efficiency, and can potentially compromise worker health and safety. According to the New Zealand Government website Skills Highway, one million Kiwis don’t have the literacy and numeracy skills required for the modern workplace.


Improving literacy and numeracy increases self esteem. This in turn empowers people to make positive changes in their lives and express themselves within the broader community.


At the individual level, higher literacy rates are associated with improved health, higher education, greater income and more sophisticated social skills. In the workplace, this translates to higher production, increased efficiency, less waste, stronger teams and reduced absenteeism.

Parents play a vital role as their children’s first teachers and play a major part in children’s education success. Children spend much more time with their families than at school. However, while almost all parents want the best for their children, not all parents know how to support their children to learn and be successful in education.


The educational achievements of parents are significant because parental levels of literacy and numeracy have a direct impact on the next generation. Children are more likely to have low literacy if their mother also has low literacy.The higher the level of a parent’s education, the higher the likelihood the child will succeed in school. The cycle of low literacy is often intergenerational.


Literacy and Technology
In 2012: 4 out of 5 New Zealand homes had access to the Internet, up 5 percent since 2009.


Digital Literacy: Within the broad areas of student competence there was discussion on digital literacy which showed substantial support for viewing digital literacy as more than just technical competence. The Digital Media Group (University of Canterbury) recommended that the definition of digital literacy should be aligned to the skills that will underpin the New Zealand workforce of the future. (Literacy Aotearoa)

Whanganui Learning Centre  |  232 Wicksteed Street  |  Whanganui, New Zealand 4500  |  +64 6 348 4950  |  wlearningc@gmail.com

The Whanganui Learning Centre where learning changes lives.

Copyright © Whanganui Learning Centre 2016. All rights reserved.